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To carry out the workflow described above, we will use a series of tools that will be detailed in the following phases.

  • Tool: Gitleaks
  • Explanation: Gitleaks scans the code repository for potential leaks of passwords and sensitive data, preventing unwanted exposure of confidential information.

Dependency Analysis (SBOM)​

  • Tool: CycloneDx
  • Explanation: CycloneDx performs a thorough analysis of project dependencies, providing a clear picture of the libraries used and helping to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Unit Testing and Integration​

  • Tool: PHPUnit
  • Explanation: PHPUnit allows the creation and execution of unit tests to validate the correct functioning of individual parts of the code, ensuring the integrity of the software.

Static Code Analysis (SAST)​

  • Tool: SonarQube
  • Explanation: SonarQube performs a static analysis of the code for vulnerabilities and quality issues, improving security and code quality.

Dockerfile analysis​

  • Tool: Hadolint
  • Explanation: Hadolint is a specialized tool that scans Dockerfiles for potential issues or configurations that may compromise the security of building container images.

Container Construction​

  • Tool: kaniko
  • Explanation: kaniko allows the construction of container images using the "docker build" command, configuring secure and efficient execution environments.

Container Analysis​

  • Tool: Trivy
  • Explanation: Trivy scans container images for vulnerabilities in components, providing information about possible risks and enabling corrective actions.

Container Signing​

  • Tool: Cosign
  • Explanation: Cosign provides digital signatures for containers, ensuring their authenticity and integrity, which reinforces security and reliability in the deployment.

Dynamic Analysis (DAST)​

  • Tool: OWASP ZAP
  • Explanation: OWASP ZAP performs dynamic security analysis, simulating real-time attacks on running code to identify vulnerabilities and risks in the deployed system.