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Testing is an essential component in software development that ensures the quality, reliability and performance of applications. It consists of several disciplines, such as unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing, which work together to identify bugs and problems at different levels of an application. These automated and manual tests help development teams validate the behavior of their systems, ensuring that they function correctly and meet the established requirements. Testing plays a key role in early bug detection, software quality improvement and end-user satisfaction.

Main features

Automation: Tests can be automated to run efficiently and repetitively, saving time and resources, and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Component Isolation: Unit testing focuses on testing individual units of code, making it easier to identify and correct specific bugs at the lowest level.

Continuous Integration: Testing is integrated into CI/CD workflows, enabling continuous validation as software is developed and delivered.

Integration Tests: Verify the correct interaction between different modules or services of an application, ensuring that they work together smoothly.

E2E Testing: Simulates the end-user experience, evaluating the entire flow of an application and verifying its operation in an environment similar to that of the user.

Reporting: Tests provide detailed reports on the status of the application, making it easier to identify problems and correct them.

Repeatability: Tests should be repeatable and predictable, ensuring consistent and reliable results.

Efficiency: Efficient testing enables rapid problem identification and resolution, accelerating the development cycle.

Maintainability: Well-structured and documented testing facilitates the management and long-term maintenance of the software.