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Password leaks

Password leaks in software code represent one of the most critical security issues in today's digital world. These leaks occur when sensitive passwords, such as login credentials, API keys or database passwords, are insecurely stored or transmitted in an application's source code. This problem can expose sensitive information to risks such as data theft, unauthorized access and privacy breaches.

Main characteristics and importance

Critical vulnerability: Password leaks can result in serious security breaches, putting data confidentiality and integrity at risk.

Credential exposure: Passwords stored in plain text or in an insecure manner can be easily retrieved by malicious attackers.

Unauthorized access: Attackers can exploit exposed passwords to gain unauthorized access to protected systems and services.

Financial risk: Password leaks can result in costly financial damages, fines and loss of customer confidence.

Need for early detection: Identifying and fixing password leaks quickly is essential to minimize the impact on security.

Scanning tools: Scanning tools such as Gitleaks are used to search for passwords and sensitive data in source code.

Education and awareness: Security training and awareness are essential to prevent password leaks.

Integration in CI/CD: Automatic detection of password leaks in the development cycle is crucial for software security.

Security strategy: Organizations must develop robust strategies for managing passwords and preventing leaks at all levels of software development and operation.