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DAST, or Dynamic Application Security Testing, is an essential technique in modern web application security. It focuses on the evaluation of applications at runtime, simulating real attacks to identify vulnerabilities and security risks. Through DAST, it is possible to discover how an application responds to various threats and thus strengthen its defenses in real time.

Main features

Runtime assessment: DAST performs tests during the execution of the application, allowing vulnerabilities and risks to be identified in a simulated production environment.

Automated Scans: Uses automated tools to perform comprehensive scans to find common vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, XSS and more.

Risk identification: Not only finds vulnerabilities, but also assesses the potential impact of these vulnerabilities on the security of the application.

Scalability: It is scalable and suitable for web applications of all sizes, from small applications to complex enterprise applications.

Attack simulation: Performs controlled attacks to verify how the application reacts, providing valuable information about the application's resilience to real threats.

Detailed reports: Generates detailed reports including vulnerability descriptions, locations and impacts.

CI/CD integration: Can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automatically evaluate applications at each stage of the development cycle.

Attack path identification: Helps identify possible attack paths in the application and possible entry points for threats.

Continuous security testing: Enables periodic testing to ensure that applications remain secure after updates and changes.

Compliance: Helps comply with security regulations and industry standards by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities.