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The strategy to be used for deployments is GitOps.

GitOps is an operations methodology that leverages Git principles to manage and control infrastructure and applications in a development environment. Here we explain some key aspects of the GitOps strategy:

Fundamental Principles: Declarative in Git: All system configurations, policies and definitions are stored in Git repositories. This includes both the infrastructure and the application code.

Continuous Reconciliation: An agent (such as FluxCD or ArgoCD) is responsible for observing the Git repositories and ensuring that the state of the running system matches the desired state defined in Git.

Automation and Versioning: Automation is key. Changes to Git repositories trigger automated processes to deploy updates to the system. In addition, versioning in Git allows you to track the history of changes, facilitating traceability and rollback.

Observability and Control: Infrastructure and applications become more observable because their changes and configurations are registered in Git. It also provides centralized control over the status of the system.

Key Elements of the GitOps Strategy: Git as a Single Source of Truth: Everything related to infrastructure and applications is defined and versioned in Git. This includes infrastructure configuration, application configuration, security policies, among others.

Automation Through Controllers: Controllers (such as FluxCD or ArgoCD) are used to watch Git repositories and apply changes automatically to the corresponding cluster or environment.

Declarative Deployment: Applications are deployed declaratively through definitions stored in Git. These definitions include information about the application, version and other details required for implementation.

Controlled Reviews and Rollbacks: GitOps allows controlled reviews of changes before applying them and also facilitates rollbacks to previous versions in case of bugs or problems.

Benefits of GitOps:

  1. Consistency and Reliability: By maintaining a desired state in Git and applying changes in an automated manner, the possibility of unwanted deviations in the system is reduced.

  2. Collaboration and Transparency: All changes are visible and trackable in Git, which encourages collaboration and transparency between teams.

  3. Security and Control: Centralized and controlled management through Git repositories allows for better security management and version control.

  4. Scalability and Effective Management: GitOps is highly scalable and facilitates effective management of multiple clusters and environments.

Practical Implementation: To adopt GitOps, you need tools that act as controllers, monitor Git repositories and apply changes automatically. Tools such as FluxCD, ArgoCD or Jenkins X are popular for this task, each with its own features and approaches.