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DefectDojo is an open source tool that helps organizations organize and perform vulnerability management. It is an easy-to-use tool that can help organizations improve the quality of their software.

DefectDojo Features

Vulnerability management: DefectDojo provides a way to manage vulnerabilities identified in products. This includes the ability to track the status of vulnerabilities, assign participants and record remediation.

Assistance: DefectDojo provides a number of wizards that can help participants analyze code and vulnerabilities. This includes wizards for vulnerability scanning, root cause identification and solution generation.

Reporting: DefectDojo provides a series of reports that can help organizations measure the progress of their vulnerabilities. This includes reports on the number of vulnerabilities identified, vulnerability status and time spent on vulnerabilities.

Benefits of DefectDojo

Software quality improvement: DefectDojo can help organizations identify and correct software defects early, which can reduce the cost of fixes and improve overall software quality. Improved communication and collaboration: DefectDojo requires developers, security specialists and other team members to work together. This can help improve communication and collaboration between these groups. Improvement of learning: DefectDojo can be an opportunity for participants to learn about vulnerability detection and remediation. This can help participants improve their skills and knowledge.

DefectDojo Challenges

It requires time and resources: DefectDojo may require time and resources to organize and carry out. It can be challenging: DefectDojo can be challenging, especially for teams that are not used to working collaboratively.

How to organize a vulnerability with DefectDojo

To organize a vulnerability with DefectDojo, it is important to follow the steps below:

  1. Create a project: In DefectDojo, a project is a set of vulnerabilities to be analyzed in an engament.
  2. Import vulnerabilities: DefectDojo can import vulnerabilities from a variety of sources, including text files, databases.
  3. Configure the vulnerability: In this step, you can configure the vulnerability options, such as the time allotted for scanning each vulnerability.
  4. Engagement: Engagement participants use DefectDojo to analyze vulnerabilities.
  5. Generate reports: DefectDojo can generate reports that can help organizations measure the progress of their vulnerabilities.